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Giving voice to our guys - Daniel's story

Writer's picture: Elena LazarElena Lazar
We thought it could be of great #value to give a voice and focus on the people who live our company on a daily basis, so we asked our employees to write about their experiences in first person.

For us, Daniel is an important person because, thanks to his knowledge and the passion he puts into what he does, our #software is always at the forefront. Here's the story of his work experience with us:


It was the year 2016; I had just graduated and was preparing my resume to send to companies when Elena contacted me for an introductory interview. Fresh out of university, I hadn't yet clearly defined what I wanted to do. I've always liked the IT field, but it's very vast, and in companies, specific roles are often occupied, such as app developers, frontend/backend developers, and more... things that, in the long run, become repetitive and boring for me.

During the interview, Simone talked to me about his #projects, and I was immediately fascinated by industrial automation.

What intrigued me the most was the ability to develop applications and programs that interacted with the real world. To think that with a #click on a PC or smartphone screen, I could interact in real-time with devices on the other side of the world is still fascinating to me today.

What convinced me to choose Innovation System, among other companies I had approached, was that it was a small company. At that time, it was just me, Elena, and Simone. From a human point of view, they seemed like good people right away - friendly and kind, not an easy thing to find in the workplace, but a fundamental factor for working well.

Today, almost 6 years since my arrival, I can say that my impressions have proved right. I consider myself very fortunate to have landed in such an environment.

When I arrived, fresh from my studies, my #programming skills were very basic. Unfortunately, computer engineering doesn't teach much about #programming, so for the first few months, I spent whole days gathering information on the best frameworks, languages, databases, and protocols to use in #automation.

To this day, I have #developed about ten projects, the main one being our On-Board application, a monitoring and control platform. Here, I work on Research and Development, Backend/Frontend applications, cross-platform smartphone applications, PLC programs, and much more. As I said before, I always need new challenges and stimuli, and I can find them here.

For the future, I hope the company continues to #grow, as it already is, and achieves ever more #ambitious #goals together.

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